The Irish Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong

Starting out in a new country can be daunting.

If you're establishing a business, you must consider issues like legal compliance, human resources management, supply chain management, and financial management.

You also need to find suitable work premises and overcome language barriers and cultural differences.

And if you're coming to Hong Kong as an individual to work, study or live, you need to find housing and navigate the healthcare and school systems.

You may be looking for a job, trying to build a social network, or hoping for a friendly face in the crowd.

It's a lot to deal with.

Wouldn't it be nice to get help from a friendly group of people who've already been through all those issues and survived?

As a member of the Irish Chamber of Commerce, you'll make new friends with years of practical experience in Hong Kong and elsewhere in Asia.

Friends who can help you with networking opportunities, access to business resources, advocacy and lobbying, exposure and branding, community involvement, and professional development.

The Irish Chamber can help you get settled in and thrive.

We've been there before, and we'll be there for you.

Contact us [link to contact page], or join us at one of our events [link to events page] to see what we're about.

(At the very least, we can always suggest a few good restaurants.)


As a member of the chamber, we can help you with:

  1. Networking Opportunities: Gain access to a network of professionals in various industries and build relationships;
  2. Housing, healthcare, education and other essential services to get you quickly settled in and navigating the city with ease;
  3. Getting involved in the local community to foster a more comprehensive social and business network;
  4. Building a local job-finding network and learning about obtaining work permits or visas;
  5. Finding courses, workshops, seminars, and training programs to help you develop new skills and advance your career; and
  6. Making new friends and building a social network.





The Irish Chamber has its roots in a group of Irish business leaders who in 1989 the founded ‘Irish Business forum’ a platform to network and develop opportunities in Hong Kong. In 2007 the Irish Chamber of commerce’s of Hong Kong was formally incorporated as a not-for-profit organization.

Our core objectives

  • Be the connection point for Irish business community in Hong Kong
  • Promote cultural and commercial ties between the island of Ireland and Hong Kong.
  • Provide value to our members by delivering initiatives and events that satisfy the demographic demands of our members
  • Represent the Irish business community on external forums and bodies such as government think tanks, cross chamber events etc.
  • Be an efficient and financially viable organization